Yesterday morning, I woke up to a very pleasant surprise in my mailbox: N had bought me a license for Gotham Narrow!! All 16 styles, which was not exactly cheap for a virtual computer file… THANK YOU! ^^
I still can’t believe I am now a proud owner of this beautiful newly released in 2009 font typeface! that’s right, i also know the difference between “fonts” and “typeface” now.
anyway, my internet is really slow for whatever reason (like super slow…) so while waiting for my wordpress dashboard to load, i fired up my CS3 played around with Gotham Narrow and made these:
obviously this was made to thank the person who made it all possible. i may just love Gotham Narrow even more than the regular Gotham! it has the perfect width and doesn’t use up as much space.
A quote by Fox Mulder from one of my favorite X-Files episodes, “Paper Hearts” from Season 4, which is what my blog is named after. EXCEPT, i really can’t remember if it was mulder or scully who said it. i swear it was Mulder but then i googled it and some site says it was Scully?! i guess time for a rewatch…
love love love this typeface! :D